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Ingredients: Aloes Ferox, Senna Leaf and Pods, Cascara Sagrada Bark, Rhubarb Root, Buckthorne Bark, Myrrh, Sheep Sorrel, Sippery Elm Bark, Lobelia, Plantain, Anise Star, Ginger, Cayenne


Description: As the name implies, it literally sweeps the colon of waste material and plaque.**

Colon Sweep is an all natural laxative with little to no griping. It promotes regular bowel movement by increasing the peristalsis (movement) and increasing liquid in the colon.**

Our patented formula with Aloe works on even the most stubborn bowels.**


  • Not for use by pregnant or nursing women or children under 12. People taking prescription medication should consult their physician prior to use.

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